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Positive Vibration on Twitter

·134 words·1 min

If you are a music enthusiast and need more positive vibes in your Twitter feed, I highly recommend to add Eric Alper 🎧 on Twitter to your Following list. He describes himself as

Freelance Music Publicist. SiriusXM Host. Shameless Idealist. Lifelong Musicaholic. I talk about Music News in the Media.

What I find particularly entertaining besides his tweets about his radio show, the occasional musical meme, or music history tidbits, are questions he asks his followers, mostly, but not always, revolving around music. The mood of your twitter feed will be uplifted and a positive signal will be added to your digital input.

Positive vibration, yeah
Picking up
Are you picking up now?
— Bob Marley & The Wailers1

Check out some sample tweets

  1. Positive Vibration, from the 1976 album Rastaman Vibration. ↩︎